Stories gathered here will be used by the international tsunami community, as research material, and by ocean going people everywhere to gain a better understanding of tsunamis at sea. Please feel free to contribute, and invite others.
To post a story, simply add it as a comment under the type of story it is - (see previous posts topic list to the left) for Fishermen, Swimming, Surfing, Sailing, and Diving story links To email the site to others: Copy the Link here: For General Comments, News items, and Links of Interest - Please post them at the comment link, below
Stories from FISHERMEN on The Bay of Bengal Dec 26th 2004
These stories are being collected to assist the international tsunami community in creating guidelines to help people on the sea, in future tsunamis.
If possible, please try to include information about the following:
1) Location of fishing spot, type/size/keel of fishing boat, approximate water depth, how was the water before the tsunami? what type of fish were you fishing for? how? were you attached to nets? anchored? trolling? did you have a good catch? how big of a load? did you lose it? 2) How did you learn about the tsunami, what time was it 3) What did you do 4) What happened: -appearance of wave or waves -did you observe a drawdown of the water? -how many waves or water surges? -how long did the unusual wave or current activity last? 5) How did you or your group fare? Deaths or injuries? 6) How did you and your boat fare? Did it sink or flip? 7) Did you see any marine wildlife acting up before or during? Any additional comments
Please post and find the Fishermens stories by using the "comments" button, here:
Stories from people SWIMMING on The Bay of Bengal Dec 26th 2004
These stories are being collected to assist the international tsunami community in creating guidelines to help people In the sea, during future tsunamis.
If possible, please try to include information about the following:
1) Location of swim spot, approximate water depth, how were the waves before the tsunami, was it flat?, where you in the beachbreak, impact or surf zone? were you wearing fins? 2) How did you learn about the tsunami, what time was it? 3) What did you do 4) What happened: -appearance of wave or waves -did you observe a drawdown of the water? -how many waves or water surges? -how long did the unusual wave or current activity last? 5) How did you or your group fare? Deaths or injuries? 6) How far did you run? Could you get to higher ground? 7) Did you get sucked out to sea, knocked over?
8) Did you see any marine wildlife acting up before or during? Any additional comments
Please post and find the Swimmers stories by using the "comments" button, here:
Stories from people SURFING on The Bay of Bengal Dec 26th 2004
These stories are being collected to assist the international tsunami community in creating guidelines to help people on the sea, in future tsunamis.
If possible, please try to include information about the following:
1) Location of surf spot, type/size of surfboard, approximate water depth, how were the waves before the tsunami 2) How did you learn about the tsunami, what time was it 3) What did you do 4) What happened: -appearance of wave or waves -did you observe a drawdown of the water -how many waves or water surges -how long did the unusual wave or current activity last 5) How did you or your group fare? Deaths or injuries? 6) How did you and your board fare? Could you hold on? 7) Did you see any marine wildlife acting up before or during? Any additional comments
Please post and find the Surf stories by using the "comments" button, here:
Stories from people DIVING in The Bay of Bengal Dec 26th 2004
These stories are being collected to assist the international tsunami community in creating guidelines to help people in the sea, during future tsunamis.
If possible, please try to include information about the following:
1) Location of boat - dive spot, scuba or snorkel, type of boat & size - keel, # of people in group, approximate water depth and dive depth, type of dive location - reef, cave, wreck. How far from shore? 2) How did you learn about the tsunami, what time was it? 3) What did you do? 4) What happened: -appearance of wave/waves or currents -did you observe or feel a drawdown of the water? -how many waves or water surges or drawn downs? -how long did the unusual wave or current activity last? 5) How did your group fare? Deaths or injuries? 6) How did your dive equipment and boat fare? 7) Did you see any marine wildlife acting up before or during?
Any additional comments
Please post and find the dive stories by using the "comments" button, here:
Stories from people BOATING on The Bay of Bengal Dec 26th 2004
These stories are being collected to assist the international tsunami community in creating guidelines to help people on the sea, in future tsunamis.
If possible, please try to include information about the following:
1) Location of boat: type, size, keel, # of people on board, approximate water depth, anchored, sailing, motoring? 2) How did you learn about the tsunami, what time was it 3) What did you do 4) What happened: -appearance of wave or waves -did you observe a drawdown of the water -how many waves or water surges -how long did the unusual wave or current activity last 5) How did your group fare? Deaths or injuries? 6) How did your boat/board fare? 7) Did you see any marine wildlife acting up before or during?
Any additional comments
Please find and post boat stories using the "comments" button, here: